Saturday, March 19, 2011

Adobe Flash 10.2 Launch For Android Market

FLASH Adobe 10.2 ANDROID is now available from the Android Market. Since Adobe is promising that this new version of the Flash player would improve the user experience and performance and reduce battery consumption. Then we will see which of these points have been met and which have yet to be polished.

Adobe Flash is one of those applications that although at first may appear to be easy without it, eventually throwing it always ends in failure. Especially with regard to web browsing. Flash has not been included in Android since its inception, much less, in fact he began to introduce this software was partly to its interface HTC Sense, which included a Lite version (limited or embedded) in Flash.

Was already in the 2.X versions of Android when Adobe introduced its application in the Market and pre-installed on some devices. Due to the resources they need, not all devices can install this application.

Beta Version
was released a beta version of Adobe Flash or preliminary 10.2. This version is supposed to end up making use of hardware acceleration of some processors, for example, Nvidia's Tegra 2. Also expected to increase significantly the performance and integration web browsing. Allowing the process to be integrated into the web browser, and not as a separate thread, thus facilitating navigation of the site without the usual breaks so far can be produced.

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